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Quran – Read, Ascend and Recite Carefully

قرءَاةٌ صحيحة——- لكل مسلم

Correct Recitation of Quran—-For Every Muslim

التلاوةُ الصحيحةُ عبارةٌ عن مخارجَ وصفاتٍ صحيحةٍ تطبقُ أثناءَ التلاوةِ

The correct tilawa is correct makharij (articulation) and sifat (characteristics) applied during recitation.

Upcoming Event

Events Date: Duration: Charges

Level 1 Admission Open

4 hours
Rs 6,000

Level 1 Classes

4 hours
Rs 6,000

Junior Hifz Admission Closed 

8 hours
Rs 6,000

Level 3 Batch 10 Convocation

5 hours

Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 Exams 


Register To Get It

Get Yourself Register to Learn the Art of Tajweed

Learn The Pure Sound of Arabic Alphabets. 

Understand the Coreect Makhaeij (Articulation) and Sifat (Characterisitcs) Applied during Recitation of the Quran.

Create your free en-rollment now and get immediate access to the courses.

What People Think

I have completed the Tajweed course in Kunoz Academy, all the teachers here are very hardworking and punctual. Dr. Qaisara Pasha's management is very good. Here, the course is conducted in a friendly environment, especially the أستاذة أسماء, when they take the final test, they buck up a lot and give confidence by giving compliments, due to which the students take the test fearlessly.​

Ruqia Bano

Ex Student & Teacher

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